Movie Review: “Like a Country Song”


Bravo to the cast of  “Like a Country Song”!

Billy Ray Cyrus and Joel Smallbone almost had me in tears during their emotional scenes in the upcoming UP tv film. In the movie, Jake (Smallbone) is a lackluster musician who doesn’t care what happens in his music career or day job. Being abandoned by his father as a child has scarred him for life, and he can’t even deal with the sight of fathers and sons together.

Jake’s dad, Bo (Cyrus), returns to his hometown to overcome his addiction to alcohol and mend things with the family he abandoned years ago. Hearts are torn open and exposed in this heart-wrenching story about forgiveness and starting over.


For King and Country singer Joel Smallbone was impressive in his role. He is acting like an award winning star. I will definitely keep an eye out for his future projects. Stars Jennifer Taylor, Kerry Knuppe, Boo Boo Stewart among others also star in this gem of a movie.

*BTSCelebs sends a special thanks to UP tv for the movie screener*

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